1. Open ninja saga and recruit 2 friends (you should know their equipped skills already so you can change it to skill91 which is the Amaterasu. The skills should be 2 digits only or it's difficult to change it with CE)
2. Go to Jounin exam part 4 or 5
3. OPEN Cheat Engine 5.6
4. For scan value, select Text, tick Case sensitive & Unicode, ASROM and scan the skill number that you want to change to skill91.
example: If your friend has the skill "Water Bundle", you will scan for "skill89"If you are unsure, just check the list at the end of this post for the skill and the skill number represented
5. Remember to click SCAN only during your friend's characters turn, if you SCAN their skill before and after their turn, all their skills will be gone
6. Double click all the address found (There should only be 3-4 addresses)
7. Double click the value and change it all to skill91
8. Go back to NS and select the skill that you have just changed (example: water bundle) and you will see that Amaterasu is used.
9. Important: Now immediately change back all the skill91 back to the previous value. In this example, it's "skill89"
10. You need to change back to the actual value or all the skills will DISAPPEAR and you cannot use it again.
11. When it's your friend's turn again, just change the value back to skill91 and use it again.
Question: How to see what skills your friend have?
Answer: Either wait till your friend's turn and you can see what skills he have, then search the list below and scan it.. or use charles and visit him to see his equipped skills.
List of the skills (All 2 digits skills listed)
skill10 = fire ball
skill11 = fiery flame
skill12 = earth smash
skill13 = twister
skill14 = lightning strike
skill15 = lightning scater
skill16 = wind canon
skill17 = whirlwind spin
skill18 = fiery bird misile
skill19 = fire vortek
skill20 = fire spike wheel
skill21 = fiery bird strike
skill22 = water ball
skill23 = water dragon vortek
skill24 = refresh
skill25 = water shark missile
skill40 = Water Jet Cannon (lvl 7)
skill42 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2 )
skill43 = Dragon Fist (lvl 3)
skill44 = Earth Spike (lvl 6)
skill45 = Wind Gust (lvl 7)
skill46 = Wind Rush (lvl 8)
skill47 = Explosive Giant Kunai (lvl 8)
skill48 = Eart Erosion (lvl 7)
skill49 = Dual Lightning Strike (lvl 8)
skill50 = Earth Blast (lvl 8)
skill51 = Water Impale ( lvl 8)
skill52 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2)
skill53 = Pillar of Flame (lvl 9)
skill54 = Lightning Arrow Strike ( lvl 9)
skill55 = Earth Boulder (lvl 9)
skill56 = Twin Shark Missle (lvl 9)
skill57 = Feather Illusion (lvl 9)
skill58 = Refresh Rank 2 (lvl 5)
skill59 = Golem Protection (lvl 10)
skill60 = Water Renewal (lvl 10)
skill61 = Swift Kick (lvl 11)
skill62 = Cannonball Strike (lvl 9)
skill63 = Earthen Fist (lvl 13)
skill64 = Water Shark Burst (lvl 13)
skill65 = Double Fire Arrow (lvl 13)
skill66 = lighting shock
skill67 = dager of wind
skill68 = head kick
skill70 = double fireball
skill71 = empowered laghting edge
skill72 = double earth smash
skill73 = double water brust
skill74 = wind strom
skill75 = fire whirl
skill76 = lighting rays
skill77 = earth rock bulder
skill78 = water spears
skill79 = multi fireball
skill80 = multi fire ball
skill81 = water sphere
skill82 = watercuter
skill83 = lighting spears
skill84 = refresh rank 3
skill85 = blade of wind
skill86 = helifire
skill87 = llghting flash
skill88 = earth absorpotion
skill89 = water bundle
skill90 = rapid upercut
skill92 = wind piercing strike
skill93 = raising fire first
skill94 = sccater strom
skill95 = earth first combo
skill96 = dual water edge
skill97 = wind edge chop
skill98 = percing fire dancer
skill99 = erten strike first
-spirit touch skill109
- assault kick skill108
- three combat rapid skill107
- water pressure canon skil106
- earth arm skill105
- lighting ball burst skill104
- explosive kunai formation skill103
- dual water cutter skill102
- dual water sphere skill101
- dual lighting spears skill100
- earthen strike first skill99
- piercing fire dance skill98
- wind edge chop skill97
- dual water edge skill96
- earth first combo skill95
- scatter storm skill94
- raising fire first skill93
- wind piercing strike skill92
- secret:amaterasu skill91
- rapid uppercut skill90
- water bundle (200 token) skill89
- lighting flash (200 token) skill87
- earth absorption (200 token) skill88
- hell fire (200 token) skill86
- blade of wind (200 token) skill85
- refresh(rank 3) skill84
- lighting spear skill83
- wind cutter skill82
- water sphere skill81
- earth spines skill80
- Water Renewal (200 token) skill60
- golem protection (200 token) skill59
- feather illusion (200 token) skill57
- evasion (200 token) skill39
- unkown (cant be used) skill37
- fire power (200 token) skill36
- lighting charge (200 token) skill35
- sexy girl transformation (100 token) skill4
- monkey transformation skill2
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Pet Info
Pets Info
By Jinchuuriki on official forum
SUZU - The Cat
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = normal attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = scratch attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Catgirl Transformation (stuns for 1 turn)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
LEIKO - The Snake
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = normal Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Screech attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Spit Poison (Deals damage & Poison I Poison reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
KEIKO - The Frog
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 400 tokens
* 1st skill = Kunai Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Restrains the enemy from using any jutsu for one turn)
* 3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & Burn I Burn reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
SHIKA - The Reindeer
Type: Offensive Pet - Rare * Xmas pet
Purchase Cost: 400 tokens
* 1st skill = Normal Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Charge (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Cleansing (purifies its owner)
* 4th skill = Frozen Icicle (nothing special)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
* Skill 4 = Pet needs to be level 30, train for 150,000 gold.
CHIKO - The Bird
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Flying Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Blows wind (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Inertia Dodge (Decreases the enemy's chance of dodging your next hit)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:23 pm
SUKI - The Pig
Spoiler: show
Type: Defensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Head Strike (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Forceful Head Strike (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Protection (Buffing with Damage Reduction for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
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Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:24 pm
ERIKO - The Dog
Spoiler: show
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Fart (Blind: Lowers Enemy Accuracy for 1 turn)
* 3rd skill = Spin Attack (nothing special)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
Spoiler: show
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Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:31 pm
Any information released at the moment is still temporary since the pets will be further improved soon.
Whatever written here is in general line accurate but in a few occasions there might be slight differences.
This thread is going to be updated after the pet system update is implemented.
for example I am not yet sure if shika removes negative effects from you or debuffs your opponent from positive effects.
we don't know the cooldowns of the pet skills either.
By Jinchuuriki on official forum
SUZU - The Cat
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = normal attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = scratch attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Catgirl Transformation (stuns for 1 turn)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
LEIKO - The Snake
Type: Supportive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = normal Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Screech attack (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Spit Poison (Deals damage & Poison I Poison reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
KEIKO - The Frog
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 400 tokens
* 1st skill = Kunai Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Tongue Attack (Restriction: Restrains the enemy from using any jutsu for one turn)
* 3rd skill = Spit Fire (Deals damage & Burn I Burn reduces 3% of total enemy HP for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
SHIKA - The Reindeer
Type: Offensive Pet - Rare * Xmas pet
Purchase Cost: 400 tokens
* 1st skill = Normal Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Charge (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Cleansing (purifies its owner)
* 4th skill = Frozen Icicle (nothing special)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
* Skill 4 = Pet needs to be level 30, train for 150,000 gold.
CHIKO - The Bird
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Flying Attack (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Blows wind (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Inertia Dodge (Decreases the enemy's chance of dodging your next hit)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:23 pm
SUKI - The Pig
Spoiler: show
Type: Defensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Head Strike (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Forceful Head Strike (nothing special)
* 3rd skill = Protection (Buffing with Damage Reduction for 2 turns)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
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Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:24 pm
ERIKO - The Dog
Spoiler: show
Type: Offensive Pet
Purchase Cost: 100k gold
* 1st skill = Bite (nothing special)
* 2nd skill = Fart (Blind: Lowers Enemy Accuracy for 1 turn)
* 3rd skill = Spin Attack (nothing special)
Skill Requirements:
* Skill 1 = Already present when you buy the pet.
* Skill 2 = Pet needs to be level 10, train for 50,000 gold.
* Skill 3 = Pet needs to be level 20, train for 100,000 gold.
Spoiler: show
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Re: Pets Info
Postby Jinchuuriki » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:31 pm
Any information released at the moment is still temporary since the pets will be further improved soon.
Whatever written here is in general line accurate but in a few occasions there might be slight differences.
This thread is going to be updated after the pet system update is implemented.
for example I am not yet sure if shika removes negative effects from you or debuffs your opponent from positive effects.
we don't know the cooldowns of the pet skills either.

About Ninja Saga
About Ninja Saga
Experience the thrill and excitement of Ninja Saga's Web RPG Alpha Version which starts with the mission of an adolescent kid aspiring to learn the ways of the Ninja to be recognized and acknowledged by everyone as a Kage. Train intensively and increase your skills to challenge and conquer enemies and monsters in different villages. Gain the experience, sharpen your techniques and challenge your friends in battles. Be the best known Kage in the world of Ninja Saga!
Featuring the best Web RPG that combines, fun, adventure, and challenge all combined in one; with more than 100 animated ninja skills to learn; no installations, just a web browser and a flash player, and you can have the greatest challenge of a lifetime never to be forgotten!
Go to our website and check the latest updates!
Ninja Saga -
(Regular Updates!)
New Features:
1) Clan Tournament Season 5
Season 5 has already started on 1 July! Which clan is gonna win this season?
2) Hunting House
The wild bosses in the Hunting House are almost invincible… are you strong enough to defeat them?
3) Free Gifts
Send a free gift to your ninja friend! They are going to send you back as well!
Upcoming features:
Highlight: Bloodline System
In the world of Ninja Saga, every ninja is born with an inherited bloodline. Have your ability awakened yet?
Other Upcoming Features
PvP Private Room, Party PvP, Live PvE and a lot more!
Experience the thrill and excitement of Ninja Saga's Web RPG Alpha Version which starts with the mission of an adolescent kid aspiring to learn the ways of the Ninja to be recognized and acknowledged by everyone as a Kage. Train intensively and increase your skills to challenge and conquer enemies and monsters in different villages. Gain the experience, sharpen your techniques and challenge your friends in battles. Be the best known Kage in the world of Ninja Saga!
Featuring the best Web RPG that combines, fun, adventure, and challenge all combined in one; with more than 100 animated ninja skills to learn; no installations, just a web browser and a flash player, and you can have the greatest challenge of a lifetime never to be forgotten!
Go to our website and check the latest updates!
Ninja Saga -
(Regular Updates!)
New Features:
1) Clan Tournament Season 5
Season 5 has already started on 1 July! Which clan is gonna win this season?
2) Hunting House
The wild bosses in the Hunting House are almost invincible… are you strong enough to defeat them?
3) Free Gifts
Send a free gift to your ninja friend! They are going to send you back as well!
Upcoming features:
Highlight: Bloodline System
In the world of Ninja Saga, every ninja is born with an inherited bloodline. Have your ability awakened yet?
Other Upcoming Features
PvP Private Room, Party PvP, Live PvE and a lot more!
World Boss Info
Apr 27, 2010
Info World Boss Mission | Ninja Saga
Pada banyak yang tanya sama saya, profil tentang monster ini, oke saya jawab semua pertanyaan itu melalui posting ini , ini lah profil tentang semua monster di Hunting House.
Profil Monster :
Ginkotsu (lvl 10)
HP 9100
spesialisasi bleeding + restriction + consentration + strengthen
Shikigami YanKi (lvl 20)
HP 16.800
spesialisasi burning + fire energi (HP+ 2500) + fire power
tengu Fire (lvl 30)
HP 22.600
Spesialisasi stun + fire & lightning ball
Tengu wind (lvl 30)
HP 15.100
spesialisasi wind armor (flexible) + speed regeneration (HP + 150 x 3 turn) + water heal (HP +2500)
Byakko (lvl 40)
HP 97.200
spesial : fear (no turn 3x) endurance (protection)
tips dan saran :
* bawa healing scroll level 25 sebanyak2nya
* rekrut teman terkuat yg selevel
* bawa jutsu : hell fire, water bundle, feather ilussion (khususnya untuk tengu)
* bawa pet keiko atau leiko (burn & poison sangat berguna)
* ingat, jutsu stun tidak berguna ( kecuali melawan tengu )
* gunakan 6 slot jurus kamu dengan jurus menyerang, 2 slot lagi untuk refresh jika tidak elemen air, gunakan semua slot itu dengan jurus menyerang
* jurus yang mengandung efek blind, restriction, dan burn, sangat berguna sekali
tips untuk tengu : fokus pada tengu fire terlebih dahulu, gunakan feather ilussion untuk tengu wind
dan ini adalah jurus mereka untuk menyerang kita :
1 Probing attack
2 Vampire Bite
3 Wind Jet (Bleeding)
4 Bursts of Air
5 Violent Wind Wave (Bleeding)
6 Vacumm Wave (Bleeding)
7 Whirlwind Tornado
8 Illusion Eyes (restriction)
9 Hunter Sight (concentration)
10 Hunting Mode (strengthen)
1. Fire Power
2. Fire Ball
3. Flame Wheel
4. Great Burning Wave (Burn)
5. Fire Bullet Combo (burn)
6. Flame Burst (Burn)
7. Self Explosion (Burn)
8. Evil Poison (poison)
9. Blazing Claw
10. Fire Energy ( HP + 2500)
1. Roaring flame sphere (burn)
2. Fire dragon explosion (burn)
3. Thunder palm (stun)
4. Shock wave (stun)
5. Fire and lightning blast technique
6. Flow river
7. Hill collapse
8. Dark space (blind)
9. Genjutsu fear dream (fear)
1. Cakra shield (Protection)
2. Wind armor (flexible)
3. Whirlpool
4. Dragon cannon
5. Great wallfall
6. Beast palm
7. Speeding regeneration (HP + 151 3 turn)
8. Water heal (HP + 2000)
1. Tiger fist
2. Iai kick
3. Fist combo (stun)
4. Tiger light (blind)
5. Hand blade (bleeding)
6. Lightning tiger shoot
7. Lightning tiger bomb
8. Endurance
9. Strike blast
10. Howl (fear)
Oke, semoga bermanfaat !
Info World Boss Mission | Ninja Saga
Pada banyak yang tanya sama saya, profil tentang monster ini, oke saya jawab semua pertanyaan itu melalui posting ini , ini lah profil tentang semua monster di Hunting House.
Profil Monster :
Ginkotsu (lvl 10)
HP 9100
spesialisasi bleeding + restriction + consentration + strengthen
Shikigami YanKi (lvl 20)
HP 16.800
spesialisasi burning + fire energi (HP+ 2500) + fire power
tengu Fire (lvl 30)
HP 22.600
Spesialisasi stun + fire & lightning ball
Tengu wind (lvl 30)
HP 15.100
spesialisasi wind armor (flexible) + speed regeneration (HP + 150 x 3 turn) + water heal (HP +2500)
Byakko (lvl 40)
HP 97.200
spesial : fear (no turn 3x) endurance (protection)
tips dan saran :
* bawa healing scroll level 25 sebanyak2nya
* rekrut teman terkuat yg selevel
* bawa jutsu : hell fire, water bundle, feather ilussion (khususnya untuk tengu)
* bawa pet keiko atau leiko (burn & poison sangat berguna)
* ingat, jutsu stun tidak berguna ( kecuali melawan tengu )
* gunakan 6 slot jurus kamu dengan jurus menyerang, 2 slot lagi untuk refresh jika tidak elemen air, gunakan semua slot itu dengan jurus menyerang
* jurus yang mengandung efek blind, restriction, dan burn, sangat berguna sekali
tips untuk tengu : fokus pada tengu fire terlebih dahulu, gunakan feather ilussion untuk tengu wind
dan ini adalah jurus mereka untuk menyerang kita :
1 Probing attack
2 Vampire Bite
3 Wind Jet (Bleeding)
4 Bursts of Air
5 Violent Wind Wave (Bleeding)
6 Vacumm Wave (Bleeding)
7 Whirlwind Tornado
8 Illusion Eyes (restriction)
9 Hunter Sight (concentration)
10 Hunting Mode (strengthen)
1. Fire Power
2. Fire Ball
3. Flame Wheel
4. Great Burning Wave (Burn)
5. Fire Bullet Combo (burn)
6. Flame Burst (Burn)
7. Self Explosion (Burn)
8. Evil Poison (poison)
9. Blazing Claw
10. Fire Energy ( HP + 2500)
1. Roaring flame sphere (burn)
2. Fire dragon explosion (burn)
3. Thunder palm (stun)
4. Shock wave (stun)
5. Fire and lightning blast technique
6. Flow river
7. Hill collapse
8. Dark space (blind)
9. Genjutsu fear dream (fear)
1. Cakra shield (Protection)
2. Wind armor (flexible)
3. Whirlpool
4. Dragon cannon
5. Great wallfall
6. Beast palm
7. Speeding regeneration (HP + 151 3 turn)
8. Water heal (HP + 2000)
1. Tiger fist
2. Iai kick
3. Fist combo (stun)
4. Tiger light (blind)
5. Hand blade (bleeding)
6. Lightning tiger shoot
7. Lightning tiger bomb
8. Endurance
9. Strike blast
10. Howl (fear)
Oke, semoga bermanfaat !
Cheat Engine 5.5 and 5.6
God Mode Hack v1.1
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ninja saga god mode hack v1 1 [Working]
9631 downloads at 1500 kb/s
Fast Level Up Part II

Cheat Requirements:
Cheat Engine 5.5
1. Open your Ninja Saga account
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.5 and choose the brower you are using. (e.g. Firefox)
3. Check value type to 8bytes and check ascrom
4. On hex box place this code 3B0008C25B5E0689 and hit first scan.
5. You’ll get 4-2 addresses, right click the Bottom address and Disassemble then right click again “Toggle breakpoint”
6. Go back to your Ninja saga account and select your character and then click “Play”
7. It will freeze due to the breakpoint you have set.
8. Click “Debug > Run (or hit f9 for shortcut)
9. Repeat procedure 8
10. At the Registries panel, you will see a red line “EAX xxxxxx”
11. Left click on it and it will ask you to insert the new address, so you paste “FF011B8A” into it(IF YOU WANT LEVEL 19 ONLY PASTE THIS “11A6C”)
12. Now right click the address and click “Toggle breakpoint” again to remove the breakpoint.
13. Click “Debug > Run
14. Now go back to your Ninja Saga. It will reload and you will be level 336.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Cheat Skill Level 96

Ninja Saga Skill Cheat
by Joell Lapitan on Jan 07, 2010 in cheats, facebook
Another cheat for Ninja Saga.. Here you go.. hahaha..
Huwag masyado sagad sa pag-gamit ng cheat.. hehe..
By this cheat, you can learn Level 21 skills when you are only level 1.
* Charles 3.4.1( Download Here )
* Browser ( FireFox)
* Brain
* Make sure you already download Charles .
* Go to Ninja Saga.
* Make sure you already download Charles .
* Sell Some Item or Buy
* Go back in Charles, click the “” > “amf/”
* Now right Click the “(CharacterDAO.saveCharacter)” Select “Edit”
* Click the “AMF” at the right bottom of charles
* Find and Expand “character_skills”
* You will see a String with a value “skill1″ or “SkillXX” [xx= anyvalue]
* Change the number “skill1″ to “skill96″, then click “Execute”
* lvl20 skills = skill85 for water, for fire skill86, skill87 for light, skill88 for earth and water for skill89lvl21 skills == skill92 for water, for fire skill93, skill94 for light, skill95 for earth and water for skill96
* Viola !! Just Refresh it and You should get the result
Fast Level Up
1. Go into Ninja Saga but do not Select Character
2. Open Ce5.5 and select firefox in your process list
3. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
4. Scan “3B0008C25B5E0689″
5. 2 addresses returned. Right click the 2nd address and Disassemble this memory region
6. Right click the selected code and select Toggle Break Point
7. Go back to Ninja Saga, select character and click play. The game and browser will now freeze.
8. Now in Ce5.5, click Debug > Run TWO TIMES
9. At the right side is the Registers panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to your next level. The list of level values can be found below.
10. (example: in the video, i am level 4. So i input 733 which is the value for level 5)
11. Now right click the selected code (step 6) and select Toggle Break Point again (this is to unfreeze the game and browser)
12. Click Debug > Run
13. Now you will enter Ninja Saga and your new level will be reflected. Have fun!
Values For each level:
* 2-144
* 3-378
* 4-544
* 5-733
* 6-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 7-1000
* 8-1600
* 9-2600
* 10-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 11-3600
* 12-4600
* 13-5600
* 14-6600
* 15-7600
* 16-9000
* 17-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 18-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 19-11000
* 20-13000
2. Open Ce5.5 and select firefox in your process list
3. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
4. Scan “3B0008C25B5E0689″
5. 2 addresses returned. Right click the 2nd address and Disassemble this memory region
6. Right click the selected code and select Toggle Break Point
7. Go back to Ninja Saga, select character and click play. The game and browser will now freeze.
8. Now in Ce5.5, click Debug > Run TWO TIMES
9. At the right side is the Registers panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to your next level. The list of level values can be found below.
10. (example: in the video, i am level 4. So i input 733 which is the value for level 5)
11. Now right click the selected code (step 6) and select Toggle Break Point again (this is to unfreeze the game and browser)
12. Click Debug > Run
13. Now you will enter Ninja Saga and your new level will be reflected. Have fun!
Values For each level:
* 2-144
* 3-378
* 4-544
* 5-733
* 6-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 7-1000
* 8-1600
* 9-2600
* 10-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 11-3600
* 12-4600
* 13-5600
* 14-6600
* 15-7600
* 16-9000
* 17-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 18-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
* 19-11000
* 20-13000
Amaterasu Hack

Cheat Ninja Saga Amaterasu Hack
Apakah Anda mencari hikayat Amaterasu ninja hack? Untuk menggunakan Amaterasu hack, Anda harus memiliki proxy charles download. Bagaimana menggunakan Amaterasu hack:
1. buka charles
2. buka NS dan tidak bermain
3. masukkan charles dan klik kanan dan pilihan getsystemdata kemudian breakpoint
4. klik NS dan kembali ke charles, sampai 3 kali mengeksekusi
5. tab pilihan afterthat respon dan tab sunting AMF kemudian folder yang terbuka, keahlian, Anda menemukan skill91
6. sunting jalankan sampai NS entry
ingat bermain di risiko Anda sendiri
Update [Charles 3.41]
Penjualan Token Murah
Cepiyorum 12
Cepiyorum 12 adalah Blog Dimana Kita Akan Mengetahui Semua Trick Ninja Saga.....
Saya Kevin, Adalah Pembuat Blog Ini, Silahkan Menikmati, !Enjoy!!
Saya Kevin, Adalah Pembuat Blog Ini, Silahkan Menikmati, !Enjoy!!
Ujian Jounin Part 4
Trick Ujian Jounin Part.4 | Ninja Saga
Trick pertama :
kenali terlebih dahulu teman kita yang akan kita jadi kan teamparty .
jurus yang harus anda punya atau teman anda punya :
- hell fire ( efek burn )
- lightning flash ( efek blind )
- feather illusion ( efek sleep )
- water bunddle ( efek restriction )
- jurus stun
- efek bleeding ( biasa nya terdapat pada elemen angin )
- jurus token lvl 40 jika ada . ( yg paling bagus jurus elemen air dan api )
- evasion 9 elemen angin ), golem protection ( elemen tanah )
- evasion 9 elemen angin ), golem protection ( elemen tanah )
Trick kedua :
kenali warna yang akan keluar pada lantai .( seal )
itu menunjukkan elemen yang terkuat pada monster jelek ini .
jika efek ini keluar pada salah satu monster, buat dia tertidur atau stun ! jangan kamu serang dan jangan sampai kamu di serang oleh nya, bisa-bisa kamu yang mokat ! XD
dengan perincian :
- warna merah ( elemen api, solusi nya jangan menyerang monster yg berelemen ini, karena damage nya besar deff nya juga besar, jika menyerang nya maka damage yg di hasilkan akan kecil, solusi nya, stun dia, atau buat dia tertidur dengan feather illusion )
- warna hijau ( elemen angin , solusi nya sama )
- warna biru ( elemen air , solusi nya sama )
- warna coklat ( elemen tanah , solusi nya sama )
- warna ungu ( elemen petir , solusi nya sama )
Trick ketiga :
Fokus kan kepada satu musuh saja ( step by step ) , dan perhatikan warna lantai nya .
jika warna merah ( api ), stun atau buat dia tidur, dan lawan monster lain nya .
dan jika monster yang kamu fokus kan itu ternyata seal nya keluar, maka buat saja dia tertidur terlebih dahulu . Alihkan ke monster satu nya lagi, dan jika monster pertama yang kamu lawan tadi sudah tidak punya efek seal lagi, lawan dia kembali, dan stun monster yang seal nya saat ini keluar !
memang rada susah jelasin nya, tapi kalau anda mengerti maksud saya, saya yakin kamu bisa !
dan jangan lupa bawa scroll yang banyak !
dan cari teman kamu yang berelemen api dan air .
dan lebih baik nya jika kamu mempunyai teman premium yang memilki elemen ( air - api - angin ) -- ( petir - api - air ) -- ( tanah - angin - air ) .. Ini kombinasi yang sangat berbahaya ! dan dapat memudah kan anda untuk menyelesai kan ujian ini .
Ingat agan-agan, untuk menjadi seorang tensai jounin, kita harus pintar dan kuat !
Game ini sangat bagus sekali menurut saya, memang menyuruh kita untuk berfikir dengan keras nya ! ( bukan berfikir bagaimana cara ngecheat nya ^^ ) hhehehe ..
Dan jangan lupa ! jangan sampai team party kita mati ! kalau mati, berarti tamat lah sudah ..
Trick keempat :
Jika sudah tinggal satu boss, kan By one tu nama nya, otomatis, semua seal bakal nempel ni sama si boss, pasti attack sama deff nya kuat kan ? maka dari itu, anda perlu punya teman yang punya jutsu evasion ( angin), golem protection ( tanah ) , dan jika perlu jurus token air lvl 40 .
jika sudah punya jurus di atas itu semua, saya yakin, sangat mudah melawan By one dengan monster jelek ini, terus jutsu buat attack nya apa ? cukup dengan hellfire ! biar darah nya berkurang dengan sendiri nya .
lama-lama kan mokat sendiri tuh monster .. Dan water bunddle, lighting flash sangat berfungsi disini .
Trick Scroll :
pasti kurang kan buat kita yg free user cuma bisa bawa 20 scroll ?
ane punya trick, dan bisa di aplikasi kan. ane maren bisa bawa 40 scroll !!
cara nya, beli scroll sampai full, terus lawan boss di hunting house, pakai semua scroll, sengajakan aja kalah, lalu beli lagi scroll sampai full, langsung reload ninja saga nya !
setelah di reload, maka healing scroll kamu sudah 40 !
Trick ini hanya memanfaat bug, jadi kalau sudah selesai, normalin lagi .
caranya, main kan saja misi sembarang mau misi yang mana, setelah selesai, beli scroll sampai full .
yaudah, reload lagi ninja saga kamu .
Dan jangan lupa ! jangan sampai team party kita mati ! kalau mati, berarti tamat lah sudah ..
Trick keempat :
Jika sudah tinggal satu boss, kan By one tu nama nya, otomatis, semua seal bakal nempel ni sama si boss, pasti attack sama deff nya kuat kan ? maka dari itu, anda perlu punya teman yang punya jutsu evasion ( angin), golem protection ( tanah ) , dan jika perlu jurus token air lvl 40 .
jika sudah punya jurus di atas itu semua, saya yakin, sangat mudah melawan By one dengan monster jelek ini, terus jutsu buat attack nya apa ? cukup dengan hellfire ! biar darah nya berkurang dengan sendiri nya .
lama-lama kan mokat sendiri tuh monster .. Dan water bunddle, lighting flash sangat berfungsi disini .
Trick Scroll :
pasti kurang kan buat kita yg free user cuma bisa bawa 20 scroll ?
ane punya trick, dan bisa di aplikasi kan. ane maren bisa bawa 40 scroll !!
cara nya, beli scroll sampai full, terus lawan boss di hunting house, pakai semua scroll, sengajakan aja kalah, lalu beli lagi scroll sampai full, langsung reload ninja saga nya !
setelah di reload, maka healing scroll kamu sudah 40 !
Trick ini hanya memanfaat bug, jadi kalau sudah selesai, normalin lagi .
caranya, main kan saja misi sembarang mau misi yang mana, setelah selesai, beli scroll sampai full .
yaudah, reload lagi ninja saga kamu .
Oke gan ! selamat mencoba ya ! semoga bermanfaat gan .
sory gan telat posting .
ni monster mang jahat banget dah !
ini bukti ane dah lulus gan ^^
3 char gan ! char satu lagi gag ane SS, sory, kalau gambar nya cuma di atas,.
ni Musuh bejat bgt ! sampai gag ingat mau di SS ..
Ujian Jounin Part 3
Trick Ujian Jounin Part.3 | Ninja Saga
Penasaran seperti apa ujian nya ?
Sebenar nya ujian nya gampang-gampang sulit, pertama kali mencoba nya, pasti semua bertanya-tanya, apa maksud dari elemen-elemen itu ? kita apa kan elemen itu ?
OKE !! Mari saya bantu anda untuk menyelsaikan ujian kali ini .
Terlebih dahulu, siap kan kopi cemilan atau rokok ( jika anda merokok ) ^^, supaya gag terlalu stress untuk menyelesaikan ujian ini .
Setelah masuk ke misi, cari seal yang pertama .
yaitu, jalan saja terus ke atas, hindari saja musuh itu, jangan di peduli kan .
seperti ini lah seal yang pertama tersebut, dan anda sudah mulai menghadapi ujian ini .
dan tampilan ujian akan seperti ini :
taktik nya gampang ( padahal saya hampir tewas memikir kan nya tadi @_@ ) wakakaka.
masukkan saja kesemua elemen tersebut .
jika tanda hijau menunjukkan angka, berarti elemen itu yg akan kita kombine .
ex : elemen hijau 1, dan elemen kuning satu . yang lain nya 0 .
kombine saja antar elemen ini saja, yang lain jangan hirau kan .
setelah selesai, cari seal yang kedua .
seal yang kedua berada di sebelah kiri, jalan terus kesebelah kiri .
maka anda akan menemukan seal yang kedua .
nah ini dia seal yang kedua .
beda nya, kalo seal yang pertama kan cuma kombine 2 elemen .
kalo yang ini 3 elemen .
cara pemecahan nya juga sama .
setelah selesai, cari seal yang ketiga .
seal yang ketiga berada di bagian bawah .
jalan saja terus kebawah, dan anda akan menemukan seal yang ketiga .
cara pemecahan nya masih sama dengan cara yang di atas .
cuma seal yang ketiga ini, kombinasi dari 4 elemen .
jadi tingkat kesulitan nya jelas bertambah .
jika sudah selesai, maka cari seal yang terakhir .
seal keempat, berada di bagian kanan, jalan saja terus kekanan .
maka kamu akan ketemu seal yang keempat .
cara pemecahan nya ? ya sama aja cara nya .
cuma ni lebih gila lagi, kombinasi 5 elemen !!
disini yang bikin otak aku mumet !
inti nya, sabar dan teliti .
setelah berhasil, pergi lagi ke tempat semula kamu masuk, dan bertemu dengan shin .
Inti nya begini saja ( pencerahan ) :
![]() |
seperti ini yang saya maksud kan .. |
Kalau ada yang kurang ngerti, tanya kan di kotak komentar saja ..
terimakasih .
Ujian Jounin Part 2
Trick Ujian Jounin Part.2 | Ninja Saga
Ujian Jounin Part.2 sudah di release tadi siang pukul 14.00 WIB . Dan saya Baru posting jam 18.15 WIB . Banyak yang mengatakan ujian jounin part.2 ini sulit, dan harus premium user yang dapat mengalahkan musuh di part.2 ini , apa benar ? sesulit apakah ujian kali ini ?
Ujian pertama kita akan di hadapakan dengan musuh yang bernama Kyoshi. Musuh ini ber elemen air !
ini review nya :
Dan ujian musuh ke-2 nya, bernama Sen Ryo. dia berelemen api, kalau dalam tokoh anime naruto, dia ini adalah jiraya ! musuh ini membawa katak besar, mungkin bapak nya keiko tuh ! wakakaka^^
Dan musuh yang ke-3 adalah Takeshi. Musuh ini berelemen petir ! jurus nya banyak jurus stun ! berhati-hati lah ^^ tapi musuh ini cukup lemah dalam hal defence, mgkn musuh ini mempunyai HP yang minim, tapi jangan di remehkan ketangguhan nya dalam menyerang .
Dan seperti apa musuh ke-4 nya ? Yaitu diri kita sendiri . Haa ? ya , saya tidak bohong, musuh ke-4 ini adalah kita sendiri ? bagaimana cara mengalahkan nya ? ya, kita sendiri yang tahu kelemahan dan kelebihan kita sendiri .
Dan ini lah review ketika saya lulus ujian tersebut, semua char saya sudah lulus ! hehehe ^^
Bagi anda yang sulit untuk mengalahkan nya, dan hanya free user, saya saran kan, pakai saja lah cheat untuk mengalahkan musuh di ujain part.2 ini !
sebenarnya saya tidak mau mengatakan nya, takut nya semua cheat di kunci, seperti hal nya cheat critical daodge !
oke, selamat mencoba...
Ujian Jounin Part.2 sudah di release tadi siang pukul 14.00 WIB . Dan saya Baru posting jam 18.15 WIB . Banyak yang mengatakan ujian jounin part.2 ini sulit, dan harus premium user yang dapat mengalahkan musuh di part.2 ini , apa benar ? sesulit apakah ujian kali ini ?
Ujian pertama kita akan di hadapakan dengan musuh yang bernama Kyoshi. Musuh ini ber elemen air !
ini review nya :
Dan ujian musuh ke-2 nya, bernama Sen Ryo. dia berelemen api, kalau dalam tokoh anime naruto, dia ini adalah jiraya ! musuh ini membawa katak besar, mungkin bapak nya keiko tuh ! wakakaka^^
Dan musuh yang ke-3 adalah Takeshi. Musuh ini berelemen petir ! jurus nya banyak jurus stun ! berhati-hati lah ^^ tapi musuh ini cukup lemah dalam hal defence, mgkn musuh ini mempunyai HP yang minim, tapi jangan di remehkan ketangguhan nya dalam menyerang .
Dan seperti apa musuh ke-4 nya ? Yaitu diri kita sendiri . Haa ? ya , saya tidak bohong, musuh ke-4 ini adalah kita sendiri ? bagaimana cara mengalahkan nya ? ya, kita sendiri yang tahu kelemahan dan kelebihan kita sendiri .
Dan ini lah review ketika saya lulus ujian tersebut, semua char saya sudah lulus ! hehehe ^^
Bagi anda yang sulit untuk mengalahkan nya, dan hanya free user, saya saran kan, pakai saja lah cheat untuk mengalahkan musuh di ujain part.2 ini !
sebenarnya saya tidak mau mengatakan nya, takut nya semua cheat di kunci, seperti hal nya cheat critical daodge !
oke, selamat mencoba...
Cheat Token + EXP + Damage (Critical 25%) Blind 15% (5 Turns), and Burn 10% (3 Turns)... Hack Gold
- Firefox3.5.5 (Windows) –
- Charles Web Proxy Debugger –
- Open Charles
- Enter Ninja Saga
- Enter your character and check that he is equipped with a Kunai (lvl 1 weapon) If not, purchase from shop.
- Refresh Ninja Saga. Now, do not select your character
- Look in charles and find this url ‘‘
- Expand until you find the line ‘(SystemData.get)‘
- Right click this line and select Breakpoints
- Now, select your character and click play in Ninja Saga
- The loading should freeze and a Breakpoint tab appears in Charles
- Click Execute links 3 times
- Click “Edit Response” and select the “AMF” tab
- Expand the ‘weapons‘ > Expand ‘wpn1‘
- You should see the line ‘damage’ with a value of 7
- Change this 7 to 888 or any value you want. This will be your Kunai Damage.
- Click back on the Structure tab and right Click the ‘SystemData.get‘ and Click on Breakpoints
- Click back on the Breakpoint tab and click Execute
- The game will now load. Fight any mission with your Kunai and watch your high damage. Have fun.
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